Ceremonial Organic Tobacco - Mother Earth TobaccoOrganic Tobacco - Mother Earth Tobacco

Ceremonial Organic Tobacco

Mother Earth Tobacco is the first manufacturer and distributor of organically grown Ceremonial Tobacco. Established in 2005, our mission is to provide a superior product, worthy of Ceremonial Use.

The use of Tobacco plays an important role in Traditional Culture and Practices. Mother Earth Tobacco is proud to offer 100% pure, authentic Tobacco for Ceremonial Use.

Ceremonial Tobacco, Hand Manufactured in Canada
Our Products

Mother Earth Tobacco uses only certified organic tobacco leaves. The leaf is manufactured into Ceremonial Tobacco without additives and without preservatives.

Organic Grown Tobacco Leaves
Organic Farming

Mother Earth Tobacco strongly believes in the natural process. This means that we use only raw tobacco leaves that are certified to be grown using a true organic process.

Buy Organic Tobacco
How to Purchase

Mother Earth Tobacco can be purchased at a number of fine retailers. We manufacture your Ceremonial Tobacco by hand and our package is made from 100% recycled paper.

Please fill out our online form!
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